Thursday, August 25, 2011

The 5 basic principles of animation

1. Squash and stretch

This is a big deal with animation because this gives the object a realistic look e.g. a ball when drops and bounces it swishes on impact and then springs back to normal. File:Squash and Stretch.svg
This picture shows us that "B" looks much more realistic than "A" because of the stretching and squishing of the ball.

2. Anticipation

This is use in media to build the audience up for and expected scene e.g. when you watch a game of football you expect the ball to be kicked around but the exciting thing is where is it going to go that and example of anticipation.

3. Staging

Staging is use to help the audience who we need to focus on or what we need to look at, this help us understand what going on, without this we could have the main character talking in the background to the side and the audience focusing on a building.

4. Straight ahead action and pose to pose

Straight ahead action means drawing out a scene frame by frame from beginning to end.
Pose to pose  involves starting with drawing a few, key frames, and then filling in the intervals later.

5. Follow through and overlapping action

Follow Through is where a part of a object keeps moving when the rest is stopped.
Overlapping action is to use different parts of a objects part and moving them at different times.
Drag is where the object isn't at the same speed as the other items e.g person and there cloths could be dragging behind them.

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