This page will show all about trains and different layouts
The first thing about it is that it's a fun hobby for anyone even for the person who doesn't know much about trains. sure its a bit pricey but if look around you can pick up some great stuff plus its a hobby that can go on forever.
So what to get? well its a hard question to ask my opinion is that you buy a train set e.g. comes with track and a train, so you can get the most out of it when you start. Some of the more popular tacks are OO(which is British gauge and a company called Hornby uses it) and other style is HO (which is Australia and America gauge) don't worry about it OO and HO will fit together very nicely they tracks are both 16.5mm gauge (inside track whidth) so its OK to put together its mainly the size of the train that's all and make sure it is code 100 (This is the height of the rails) there are also 83 code but 100 is cheaper and better for beginners. more on different size track and some other info at this site
Now lets get down to it if your a beginner go with a beginner brand like Hornby not to expensive and great for having a bit of go. If you want to expand on it with track or other trains try for American or British because these country's make heaps of them and there cheaper than normal if you have a bit more money to spend you could by a Australian train because Australia doesn't have a big market in model train it can be a bit more pricey.
Now that I have a train a basic track where to go from here? well that a good question if you have surface that you don't mind making into scenery then why not make some trees, grass, tunnels and station etc. This can improve the look of the layout also if you have the room then you can expand your track but before you do that plan what you are going to build and here's a good program from Atlas that can help you plan your first train layout go to this site (if this link doesn't work please send me and email) this program is freeware the plus is you can build a great layout with it but down side it has only Atlas tack pricing but I have got some Atlas track and it is not bad stuff its cheap but has good quality track differently great for the beginner train person.
Another great idea is to join a local model railroad club learn more about the hobby and get to know the people there its very good fun. Happy railroading (more will be posted)